Scott Roeder

Dr. Scott Roeder is Associate Professor of Tuba and Euphonium at the University of Texas-Pan American where he teaches applied tuba/euphonium and conducts the UTPA Brass Band and UTPA Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble. Previously Dr. Roeder served as Principal Tubist with the Midland-Odessa Symphony, Lone Star Brass Quintet, and the Texas Music Festival. Currently he serves as Principal Tuba with the Valley Symphony Orchestra and performs with the UTPA Faculty Brass Quintet. Additional orchestral performances include the Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra, Canton Symphony, Illinois Symphony Orchestra and many other professional orchestras throughout the country.As an educator Dr. Roeder previously taught at Wayland Baptist University, the University of Akron, and served as the low brass instructor for the Midland, Odessa, and Crane (TX) school districts. Other teaching positions have included the Wisconsin Summer Music Clinic, Baylor University Summer Music Camp, Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp, and Sewanee Summer Music Festival. Dr. Roeder has also presented sessions at the 2004 International Tuba Euphonium Conference in Budapest, Hungary and the 2010 International Tuba Euphonium Conference in Tucson, Arizona. He is the author of the book “Tuba Tutor”, a pedagogical text on solo tuba literature available through Potenza Music. Dr. Roeder has also served as an adjudicator at the Leonard Falcone International Euphonium and Tuba Competition, the International Tuba Euphonium Conference, and regional competitions around the country. Dr. Roeder’s students have advanced in numerous international competitions and hold positions in the US Army Bands and other professional music ensembles.Dr. Roeder received his Bachelors in Music Education at the University of Illinois, Masters in Music Performance from the University of Akron, and in 2008 received his DMA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His teachers include John Stevens, Tucker Jolly, Mark Moore, Sam Pilafian, and Pat Sheridan.